Healthcare SIC Code

Acquire Targeted Industries Healthcare SIC Codes List For Healthcare Marketing

Have you been trying to find reliable contacts in the healthcare sector based on SIC Codes for healthcare industry ? If the answer is yes, we provide you with the Email List of Health Services with the SIC Code, which contains contacts you can use for your targeted marketing based on SIC code for healthcare. You could contact the relevant decision-makers through the health services email list. Companies typically employ SIC Code for Healthcare, appending a series of numbers to the end of the common code assigned to the industry type they belong to. And surprisingly, private sector firms use these SIC Codes more frequently than public sector ones. A business-to-business (B2B) SIC code 80 list of healthcare-related activities can be used to find sales leads. Healthcare SIC Code Lookup finds SIC Code 80 - hospital and doctor services - as the recognized SIC code for the healthcare industry!

SIC Code 80 - Health Services Database

Gain Better Marketing Insights With Accurate and Updated Healthcare SIC Code List

The principal classification is Healthcare SIC Code 80, which covers enterprises primarily providing individuals with medical, surgical, and other health services. Establishments of associations or groups, like Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), that focus on offering members medical or other health services are included; however, those that restrict their services to offering insurance against hospitalization or medical costs are categorized in Insurance, Major Group 63. Hospices also fall under this broad category, and they are categorized based on the main service they offer. Individual practitioners, group clinics in which a group of practitioners is associated to carry on their profession, and clinics that offer the same services through employed practitioners are all included in industry groupings 801 through 804. There are separate codes for specific industries like home healthcare SIC code, Healthcare management SIC code, and more. We provide you with a highly accurate List of SIC Codes 80 for your campaign, regardless of the sector you are in or the product you are selling. You may choose your best target in our Healthcare SIC Codes based on various factors, including a particular region, turnover, industry type, number of employees, and subcategories.

List of Companies Within SIC Code 80

  • Saint Lukes Health System Inc
  • UNC Health Care System
  • Rochester Regional Health
  • Cape Fear Valley Health System
  • University of Kansas Hospital
  • Berkshire Health Systems
  • HCA Healthcare Inc
  • New Hanover Regional Medical Center
  • Denver Health
  • Hennepin County Medical Center
  • DaVita Inc
  • Steward Health Care System
  • Palomar Health Downtown Campus
  • Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center
  • Summa Health System
  • University of Mississippi Medical Center
  • Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak
  • Beacon Childrens Hospital
  • Nassau University Medical Center
  • Carilion Clinic
  • NCH Baker Hospital Downtown

What is the Importance of Healthcare SIC codes in the Healthcare Industry?

For marketing purposes, businesses frequently utilize the SIC Code Lookup to locate companies within particular industries like Healthcare. They can successfully expand their customer base inside that industry by learning the Heathcare SIC Code of the top customers. You can locate the specific segments of the healthcare industry to pitch your sales directly. You can customize your list based on specific criteria like healthcare administration SIC code, healthcare consulting SIC code, and more to initiate business deals. The economy and the state of revenue are always changing for the healthcare sector. These can be tracked transparently with the use of SIC Codes. The public sector occasionally uses SIC Codes to verify contract eligibility requirements. So buy specific lists of Healthcare Company SIC Code to gain better ROI in the long run.

SIC code FAQs

Diverse SIC codes are available in the healthcare business to make your marketing strategies successful. You can reach a wide range of professionals to engage in marketing and closing deals. The segments are SIC Code Healthcare – 8042 Offices and Clinics of Optometrists, 8043 Offices and Clinics of Podiatrists, 8063 Psychiatric Hospitals, SIC Code Healthcare – 8049 Offices and Clinics of Health Practitioners, Not Elsewhere Classified, 8052 Intermediate Care Facilities, and more. You can easily choose your required industry and initiate your marketing plans.
Every contact in our SIC code database has company details directly from legal and GDPR-compliant sources. The sources include market research, company listings, directories, magazines, public records, websites, conferences, phone directories, publishers, social media, and commercial alliances. The SIC code data is continually verified by AI and manual tools. You can make better marketing connections and close sales by buying an email list with real-time updated contacts. Focus on your target market and email leads directly by utilizing these databases to enhance your ROI. Obtain your free sample list right away!
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical identifiers that classify industries based on their business activity. We have diverse data points like email addresses, contact numbers, and locations. You can get your list tailored to meet your unique business plans. You can get unique segments like SIC Codes for medical devices, SIC Code 6324 - Hospital and medical service plans, SIC Codes for medical billing, and many more segments to select from. So, make your choices and buy the list of your choice.
You can speak with our specialists and specify your target market in the request form available on our website if you want to purchase the Healthcare SIC codes. Based on your information, we create a database that accurately fits your target demographic and objectives, allowing your brand to obtain a position in the global market. Besides, we provide free sample lists, contact us now to confirm your selection and customize it accordingly, and we'll provide you with the list in an easily accessible format.

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