Health Care in USA

The United States spends significantly more on health care than any other country, both per capita and as a proportion of GDP. Despite this, the country's healthcare outcomes are much inferior when compared to peer nations. In fact, the U.S. is one of the developed countries in the world without a universal health care system, with a major part of its people lacking health insurance, which contributes significantly to the country's excess mortality.

Top 5 things you should know about healthcare in the United States

  • 1. Universal healthcare does not exist in the U.S. The government of the United States does not provide health benefits to citizens or visitors. Someone has to pay for your medical care every time you receive it.
  • 2. Healthcare is prohibitively pricey. According to a US government website, a $7,500 charge is possible if you break your leg. If you’re required to stay in the hospital or clinic for three days, the cost is likely to be around $30,000.
  • 3. The majority of Americans have health insurance. If you get sick or harmed, health insurance prevents you from owing a lot of money to doctors or hospitals. To obtain health insurance, you must make regular payments to a health insurance company (known as "premiums"). In exchange, the company promises to cover some or all of your medical expenses. Find out more about health insurance.
  • 4. Your "primary care provider" will provide the majority of your care (PCP). After you get health insurance, you can select a primary care physician (PCP) who is part of your insurance company's network. If you purchase an MIT health insurance plan, you will select a primary care physician (PCP) at MIT Medical.
  • 5. In the U.S, getting medical care usually necessitates an appointment. If you wish to see your PCP, you must make an appointment with his or her office. You must explain why you require the appointment when you call.

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