SIC Code 8031 - Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy

SIC Code is a number used to specify a company's primary line of business to understand which industry that company is focused on. Select your accurate SIC code list for healthcare companies with our SIC Codes Lookup service.

Find the verified list of SIC code Healthcare to target SIC CODE 8031 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy for building phone verified list of companies in SIC Code 8031 for your marketing campaigns. SIC Code 8031 is the major group which includes establishments primarily engaged in licensed practitioners having the degree of D.O. and engaged in the practice of general or specialized osteopathic medicine and surgery. Establishments operating as clinics of osteopathic physicians are included in this industry. We can guide you to identify and target industry SIC Codes 8031 to segment companies based on their business activities. A fully verified list of SIC codes from SIC Code Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy help you to build effective personalized and segmented email marketing campaigns targeting SIC Industry 8031. SIC Code Search will identify best matching industry companies, suppliers and to research competitors from matching Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List. You can build your SIC Code List 8031 Offices of Doctors of Osteopathy customers based on specialty type, type of practice, license type, location type, subcategories, credit score etc.

SIC Code 8031 - Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy

Codes Titles Total Marketable US Businesses
SIC Code 8031 Offices and Clinics of Osteopathic Physicians 7,830
SIC Code 803100 Offices and clinics of Osteopathic Physicians 7,830
SIC Code 80310000 Offices and clinics of Osteopathic Physicians 7,830

Database of SIC 8031 - Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy

  • SIC Code Osteopathic physicians, offices and clinics of
  • SIC Code Rehabilitation centers, outpatient (medical treatment)
  • SIC Code Respiratory therapy clinics
  • SIC Code Dieticians offices
  • SIC Code Testing laboratories, medical: analytic or diagnostic
  • SIC Code Urinalysis laboratories

SIC Code 8031 Companies List

  • Dental Associates, Ltd
  • Heartland Dental Care
  • Smart Health
  • Dental Care Plus Group
  • Orthosynetics Inc
  • Dentalcare Partners
  • Dental Associates of CT
  • Dentists Choice
  • Birner Dental Management Services Inc
  • Great Expressions Dental Centers
  • Apple White Dental Partners
  • Dentistry of the Carolinas

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