SIC Code 8011 - Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine

SIC Code is a number used to specify a company's primary line of business to understand which industry that company is focused on. Select your accurate SIC code list for healthcare companies with our SIC Codes Lookup service.

Find the verified list of SIC code Healthcare to target SIC Code 8011 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine for building phone verified list of companies in SIC Code 8011 for your marketing campaigns. SIC Code 8011 is the major group which includes establishments primarily engaged in Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of M.D. and engaged in the practice of general or specialized medicine and surgery. Establishments operating as clinics of physicians are included in this industry. We can guide you to identify and target industry SIC Codes 8011 to segment companies based on their business activities. A fully verified list of SIC codes from SIC Code Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine help you to build effective personalized and segmented email marketing campaigns targeting SIC Industry 8011. SIC Code Search will identify best matching industry companies, suppliers and to research competitors from matching Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List. You can build your SIC Code List 8011 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine customers based on specialty type, type of practice, license Type, location type, subcategories, credit score etc.

SIC Code 8011 - Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine

Codes Titles Total Marketable US Businesses
SIC Code 8011 Offices and clinics of medical doctors 425,191
SIC Code 801100 Offices and Clinics of Medical Doctors 118,372
SIC Code 80110000 Offices and clinics of medical doctors 118,372
SIC Code 801101 Internal medicine practitioners 49,521
SIC Code 80110100 Internal medicine practitioners 2,088
SIC Code 80110101 Cardiologist and cardio-vascular specialist 9,940
SIC Code 80110102 Endocrinologist 1,652
SIC Code 80110103 Gastronomist 4,689
SIC Code 80110104 Hematologist 551
SIC Code 80110105 Internal medicine, physician/surgeon 16,128
SIC Code 80110106 Nephrologist 2,055
SIC Code 80110107 Neurologist 5,647
SIC Code 80110108 Oncologist 3,999
SIC Code 80110109 Pulmonary specialist, physician/surgeon 2,167
SIC Code 80110110 Neurosurgeon 605
SIC Code 801102 Medical centers 34,034
SIC Code 80110200 Medical centers 10,625
SIC Code 80110201 Ambulatory surgical center 957
SIC Code 80110202 Clinic, operated by physicians 14,944
SIC Code 80110203 Dispensary, operated by physicians 83
SIC Code 80110204 Freestanding emergency medical center 2,985
SIC Code 80110205 Primary care medical clinic 4,440
SIC Code 801103 Medical insurance associations 1,798
SIC Code 80110300 Medical insurance associations 197
SIC Code 80110301 Group health association 377
SIC Code 80110302 Health maintenance organization 1,088
SIC Code 80110303 Medical insurance plan 136
SIC Code 801104 Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts 8,065
SIC Code 80110400 Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts 388
SIC Code 80110401 Psychiatric clinic 902
SIC Code 80110402 Psychiatrist 6,567
SIC Code 80110403 Psychoanalyst 208
SIC Code 801105 Specialized medical practitioners, except internal 108,882
SIC Code 80110500 Specialized medical practitioners, except internal 1,587
SIC Code 80110501 Allergist 3,471
SIC Code 80110502 Anesthesiologist 4,581
SIC Code 80110503 Dermatologist 11,544
SIC Code 80110504 Diabetes specialist, physician/surgeon 157
SIC Code 80110505 Ears, nose, and throat specialist: physician/surgeon 4,462
SIC Code 80110506 Eyes, ears, nose, and throat specialist: physician/surgeon 772
SIC Code 80110507 Geriatric specialist, physician/surgeon 261
SIC Code 80110508 Gynecologist 11,476
SIC Code 80110509 Immunologist 105
SIC Code 80110510 Infectious disease specialist, physician/surgeon 358
SIC Code 80110511 Obstetrician 2,141
SIC Code 80110512 Oculist 45
SIC Code 80110513 Opthalmologist 13,058
SIC Code 80110514 Orthopedic physician 14,942
SIC Code 80110515 Pathologist 1,351
SIC Code 80110516 Pediatrician 17,832
SIC Code 80110517 Plastic surgeon 7,286
SIC Code 80110518 Proctologist 65
SIC Code 80110519 Radiologist 6,799
SIC Code 80110520 Rheumatology specialist, physician/surgeon 709
SIC Code 80110521 Sports medicine specialist, physician 486
SIC Code 80110522 Thoracic physician 109
SIC Code 80110523 Urologist 4,309
SIC Code 80110524 Fertility specialist, physician 976
SIC Code 801199 Offices and clinics of medical doctors, nec 104,519
SIC Code 80119901 General and family practice, physician/surgeon 64,285
SIC Code 80119902 Occupational and industrial specialist, physician/surgeon 425
SIC Code 80119903 Physical medicine, physician/surgeon 5,355
SIC Code 80119904 Physicians' office, including specialists 22,492
SIC Code 80119905 Surgeon 11,962

Database of SIC 8011 - Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine

  • SIC Code Doctors clinics, general practice
  • SIC Code Group practice physicians
  • SIC Code Obstetricians offices
  • SIC Code Anesthesiologists offices
  • SIC Code Medical offices, specialists, physicians and surgeons
  • SIC Code Ophthalmologists offices
  • SIC Code Osteopaths offices
  • SIC Code Paediatricians offices
  • SIC Code Plastic surgeons offices
  • SIC Code Surgeons offices

SIC Code 8011 Comapnies List

  • UNC Health Care System
  • Beacon Childrens Hospital
  • Carilion Clinic
  • NCH Baker Hospital Downtown
  • Berkshire Health Systems
  • HCA Healthcare Inc
  • Brookwood Baptist Health
  • MaineGeneral Medical Center
  • Kettering Medical Center
  • Community Health Systems Inc
  • Mitre Corp
  • Kindred Healthcare Inc
  • Catholic Health Initiatives
  • HealthPartners Inc

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