NAICS Code 621512 - Diagnostic Imaging Centers

The industry with a NAICS Code 621512 Offices of Diagnostic Imaging Centers with All sizes in the United States consists of diagnostic imaging centers primarily engaged in producing images of patients on recommendation from a health practitioner. This industry in the United States consists of diagnostic imaging centers primarily engaged in producing images of patients on recommendation from a health practitioner. In the United States, 5,492 enterprises have been verified as active in this industry, employing an estimated 96,249 individuals. The growing elderly population and diseases connected with it, the accessibility of diagnostic imaging modalities, and the high acceptance of technical improvements are the primary drivers of growth in the American diagnostic imaging market owing to the significant annual healthcare expenditure by the US government.

NAICS Code 621512 - Diagnostic Imaging Centers Database

Codes Titles US Business
621512 Diagnostic Imaging Centers 2,834

Diagnostic Imaging Centers Database

  • CAT scanner centers
  • Computer tomography centers
  • CT-SCAN centers
  • Dental X-ray laboratories
  • Diagnostic imaging centers
  • Laboratories, dental X-ray
  • Laboratories, medical radiological or X-ray
  • Laboratory testing services, medical radiological or X-ray
  • Magnetic resonance imaging centers
  • Mammogram centers
  • Medical laboratories, radiological or X-ray
  • X-ray laboratories, medical or dental
  • Medical radiological laboratories
  • Medical X-ray laboratories
  • Mobile breast imaging centers
  • Mobile X-ray facilities
  • MRI centers
  • Positron emission tomography scanner centers
  • Radiological laboratories, medical
  • Radiological laboratory services, medical
  • Single photon emission computerized tomography centers
  • Ultrasound imaging centers

List of Companies Within NAICS Code 621512

  • Caroline Yang
  • Brandon Fisher
  • Angelynn Gunn
  • John Yoo
  • Ashley Corbett Bragg
  • Bradley Birt
  • Hans Truong
  • Patricia Burns
  • Eilynn Sipe
  • Peter Klein

Why do you need to buy a NAICS code 621512 diagnostic imaging centers?

With our reliable and validated top Diagnostic Imaging Centers NAICS Code 621512, you can get an up-to-date list of Diagnostic Imaging Centers from the United States and other countries. Increase your ROI by promoting your items to the relevant professionals. We validate our data monthly with phone calls and messages and using SMTP and NCOA. Furthermore, we cleanse our data regularly to eradicate any irregularities. We guarantee that our data will provide you with excellent deliverability because it is permission-based, which means that you will only contact actual people who are interested in your brand or product. You may find industry trends across industries using our comprehensive and reliable Offices of Diagnostic Imaging Centers List in the USA. Reach us right away to get the top Offices of diagnostic imaging centers Database from Healthcare Mailing.

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