NAICS Code 621391 - Offices of Podiatrists

Grow your market reach and earn more ROI with a verified NAICS 621391 offices of Podiatrists Lists

The NAICS 621391 Offices of Podiatrists industry consists of organizations that house medical professionals with the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree primarily involved in the independent practice of podiatry. These medical professionals conduct private or group practices at their own offices or in third parties such as hospitals or medical centers and diagnose and treat disorders and abnormalities of the foot. The demand for podiatrist services is influenced by demography and population increase. Patient volume, insurance reimbursement, reputation, and operational effectiveness affect profitability. Patient care connected to ICD-10 major categories is a significant area of therapy that generates more than 50% of industry income. Musculoskeletal disorders account for 20% of cases, as do skin and subcutaneous illnesses, which account for 15% of cases. The NAICS Code 621391 verified companies list care for circulatory, endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic disorders and several parasitic and viral diseases. Ingrown toenails, corns, bunions, bone spurs, arch support, and heel issues are among the conditions that podiatrists commonly treat.

NAICS Code 621391 - Offices of Podiatrists Database

Codes Titles US Business
621391 Offices of Podiatrists 14,927

Offices of Podiatrists Database

  • Extremity Healthcare Inc
  • Swf Assoc In Podiatric Med
  • Orlando Foot Ankle Clinic Inc
  • Weil Foot & Ankle Institute
  • Martin Podiatry PC
  • American Foot Leg Spcialist PC
  • Advanced Regional Ctr Ankle Ft
  • Idaho Foot & Ankle Assoc PA
  • Imperial Valley Podiatry Assoc
  • Ankle and Foot Center Inc

List of Companies Within NAICS Code 621391

  • Orlando Foot And Ankle Clinic
  • Central Pa Podiatry Associates
  • Universal Foot And Leg Clinic
  • Boni Jo Silbernagel DPM
  • A Douglas Spitalny DPM
  • Kristen A Moore DPM
  • Joel Syvrud DPM
  • Bruce A Mittleman DPM
  • Heather L Chestelson DPM
  • Paul A Steinke DPM

What is the importance of NAICS 621391 offices of podiatrists?

The NAICS Code 621391 lookup will also provide data to promote multichannel campaigning. Furthermore, depending on the campaign budget, you can reach targeted consumers through preferred channels. The first step is to choose your industry, and the next is to narrow down your target market based on job title, geography, firm size, revenue size, etc. You'll receive a personalized email database with the contact details of your ideal target market in a matter of seconds. Utilizing our NAICS Code - 621391 Offices of Podiatrists with All sizes will keep you one step ahead of your rivals. Keeping our marketing lists up-to-date with thorough research and double-checking is another factor that sets our lists apart from the competition. Additionally, you can alter it and provide clients with the choice to invest solely in data pertinent to their businesses. For instance, separated data will keep the podiatrist mailing list compatible for multichannel, assisting you in producing quality leads as well.

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